What to do in autumn in Périgord? The Top of the best fall activities!

Saint Léon sur Vézère
What to do in autumn  ...

Are you planning your next autumn vacation in Périgord and you lack inspiration? The summer season is coming to an end and the tourist sites are much calmer during the fall. It's the perfect time to take your time and learn more about Périgord, its history, its traditions and the life of yesteryear... But also take a walk in the Périgord forests, in the warm colors of autumn. Or take advantage of the freshness to get back to sport! We reveal our 10 best ideas for enjoying the beautiful days of the late autumn, rain or shine.

Opening photo: Autumn in Saint-Léon-sur-Vézère - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

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1) Learn about prehistory in the Vallée de l'Homme

The Dordogne is called "the Valley of Man", because it is on the lands of Périgord that the first men left their most beautiful works. This immense prehistoric artistic center will allow you to better understand the life of our very distant ancestors, through their spiritual concerns. For their preservation, some sites are restricted in number of visitors. In addition, their international reputation attracts a large crowd in summer and it can be difficult to find a time slot to visit. Autumn will therefore allow you to visit them in complete serenity.

Here are the most unmissable prehistoric sites:

    Learn more? To find out more about cave visits in Périgord, read our article: Discover all the caves in Périgord.

    The axial diverticulum of Lascaux 4 - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

    The axial diverticulum of Lascaux 4 - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

    2) Dream in the castles of Périgord

    Aquitaine, and in particular Périgord, was very marked by the Hundred Years War. The Dordogne Valley is therefore full of medieval castles, vestiges of this troubled period. Most offer entertainment, especially during the All Saints holidays and for Halloween.

      Learn more? To go further, read our article on the castles of Périgord and prepare your visit: The most beautiful castle visits in Périgord.

      Puymartin Castle - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

      Puymartin Castle - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

      3) Discover the traditions and life of yesteryear in museums and tourist sites

      Périgord is a rural and authentic region. In autumn, it is the season of walnuts and chestnuts and you can discover the traditions in the Périgord museums dedicated to them. It is also an opportunity to rediscover the gestures of the past and ancient trades.

        Learn more? To find out more about the museums of Périgord, read our article: Visit the museums of Périgord to learn, understand and have fun.

        The Museum of the Rue du Temps qui Passe - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

        The Museum of the Rue du Temps qui Passe - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

        4) Stroll through the traditional Périgord villages

        The region is very popular with lovers of old stones, because it has preserved an ancient heritage. Many houses tell a story of several centuries. You will also see a small heritage of great beauty there: chapel and church, washhouses, fountains... This is how a simple stroll through a village, or even a small town, is a real journey through time...

          Learn more? Find out more about the exceptional villages not to be missed in Périgord: The Most Beautiful Villages of France in the Dordogne.

          Saint-Léon-sur-Vézère - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

          Saint-Léon-sur-Vézère - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

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          5) Penetrate the bowels of the earth in the caves

          A rainy day is coming and you are looking for an indoor activity? And why not probe the depths of the earth by visiting a cave of concretions. Périgord is a land of limestone and water. Underground rivers dug the rock and opened rooms of sometimes impressive size. Then nature created fabulous and delicate works of art there.

            Learn more? Find out more, for sheltered visits when it rains in Périgord: Visit the chasms, rock shelters and troglodyte villages of Périgord.

            The Gouffre de Proumeyssac - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

            The Gouffre de Proumeyssac - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

            6) Taste the gastronomy of Périgord

            In Périgord, nature is generous and the land is fertile. Autumn is a season that brings many delicacies: porcini mushrooms and other mushrooms, truffles, walnuts, chestnuts... Not to mention that it's harvest time, with great tastings to boot! There is something to delight the taste buds of fine gourmets and gourmands.

              Learn more? Find out more about the wonders of Périgord cuisine: The 5 gastronomic delights of Périgord, to discover in autumn…

              The good idea The good idea to keep busy during the Périgord black gold season (December to February): A weekend to discover truffles, in the heart of the Périgord Noir with L'Escapade à Lascaux.

              Walnut trees in Périgord - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

              Walnut trees in Périgord - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

              7) Hike in the forests of Périgord

              Slightly hilly, criss-crossed by rivers and covered with forests, Périgord lends itself well to hiking. The change of season adorns the trees with beautiful colors, the rivers regain their vigor and the southern climate still offers you beautiful days, conducive to walking. Here are our tips for walks in Périgord:

                Learn more? To find out more, read our article to prepare your Sunday hikes and walks: The most beautiful walks in Périgord.

                8) Cycle around the 4 Périgords

                To take a real tour of the four territories of Périgord, we advise you to get on a bike. Thus, you cover greater distances and you will cross the region more easily. Our favorite cycling routes:

                  The good idea The good idea: Bike Bus, bicycle rental in Périgord Noir, Dordogne valley.

                  Learn more? Find out more about the Dordogne cycle routes: Cycling in Périgord: routes, greenways and tips.

                  The Céou cycle route, near Castelnaud - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

                  The Céou cycle route, near Castelnaud - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

                  9) Fishing in the Dordogne or the Vézère

                  The Dordogne basin has been classified by UNESCO for its very preserved environment. The Vézère Valley and that of the Dordogne are criss-crossed by charming streams and small streams that flow into the two main rivers. They will offer you very pleasant fishing spots. You can also go to the banks of a pond, to be sure to bring back some fish:

                    The good idea The good idea, come and fish and discover an exceptional place at the confluence of two large rivers: Discover Limeuil in Périgord: where the Vézère joins the Dordogne (fr).

                    Learn more? Learn more: Read our artile Fishing in Périgord.

                    10) Exercise to get back in shape

                    After the summer holidays and the excesses, it's high time to start exercising. But to think a little off the beaten track and discover new activities, we offer you some sporting and original ideas :

                    The Prehistobranch in Saint-Léon - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

                      The Prehistobranch in Saint-Léon - Photo credit © Guide du Périgord

                      We hope that this top 10 will allow you to fully enjoy your autumn stay in Périgord.

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