Boucle du Roc Branlant

Saint Estèphe
  • Starting point : Saint Estèphe
  • Total distance : 3,9 km
  • Elevation : 92 m
  • Walking : Easy

Site of the Roc Branlant and the Chapelet du Diable
The rocking rock, a block of granite of 3 m by 3 m, left in balance on a rocky table by the slow work of the waters of the river in the middle of which it is located, is easily balanced by a simple push. A string (or granite chaos) of granite blocks stretches for a hundred meters, letting the water reappear here and there in a discreet lapping. (...)

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Last update : 13/07/2024 à 02:36:33

Source : Cirkwi | Dordogne
Photo credit : @Cirkwi

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