Les fresques: a star in the heart of the vines

Les fresques: a star  ...

Let’s have lunch together, in the heart of the Bergeracois vineyard, in Monestier (few kilometres from Bergerac). Les Fresques is an exceptional starred restaurant, sitting like a precious jewel in the middle of the vines, in the heart of the Perigord countryside. If you like the elegant and refined atmosphere of the gourmet restaurants, the bliss of dishes with perfectly balanced flavours, then come with me for a voyage of the senses.... 

A restaurant, in the heart of an estate

The starred restaurant Les Fresques, is nestled in the heart of a green domain of

several hectares, which also hosts two 4 stars hotels (Le Château et le Relais),

a golf course, a brasserie « Le Chai » and a new SPA by SOTHYS. Today, I lunch

in the sublime restaurant Les Fresques, on the sunny terrace overlooking the

wooded lake. On this beautiful autumn day, the shimmering colours of the surrounding nature are stunning!

Le restaurant se trouve sur l’aile droite du bâtiment

The restaurant is located on the right wing of the building

Entrée du restaurant Les Fresques

Entrance of the Les Fresques Restaurant

Un magnifique pigeonnier dans le golf

A beautiful dovecote in the golf

To reach the Domaine du Château des Vigiers, I take the Route des Vins de Bergerac Duras, which flows between the castles, the well aligned rows of vines…The twists and turns of the road reach the hills and take me through charming small hamlets. Suddenly, the Domaine and its majestic castle appear in the distance.


The compound dates from the 16th century, it has been renovated with taste and it is today a comfortable holiday destination, modern yet authentic. For few days or a gourmet escapade, the Château des Vigiers welcomes you with high quality service.

Entrée de l’hôtel 4 étoiles

Entrance of the 4 stars hotel

Le golf, avec 1 parcours de 27 trous

The golf, with a 27 holes course

La végétation impeccablement entretenue

The highly maintained garden

The bright main dining room has a new wine cave, with glass panels offering a picturesque vision of a wall of bottles. A delicious prelude to the high quality wines it holds…during summer, the terrace is an invitation to settle under the parasols, in front of the golf course’s lake. On the right hand side, the golf players enjoy their sport, while you savour delicious dishes.

Mangez, en bonne compagnie près de la nouvelle cave à vin

Eating in a pleasant company close to the new wine cellar

Des vins de grande qualité, dans cette cave sur mesure en bois

High quality wines, in this wooden tailored caveDe grands crus méritent un bel écrin

Grands crus deserve a beautiful case

A chef and his savoury gourmet cuisine

The restaurant and its chef Didier Casaguana received their first star in 2014. An accolade that rewards their serious and consistent work offering his customers local, fresh, quality dishes.

Here, the flavours highlight the local produce and the local cuisine. The chef and his team work with the local producers and, to a large extent, they orchestrate the menu which adapts to the delicacies that the generous culinary tradition of the Perigord offers. This is a real cuisine, following the produce of the season which in turn inspires the chef and his team.

La terrasse

The terrace

La vue depuis notre table sur la terrasse à côté de la salle intérieure

View from our table on the terrace near the indoor roomLes mignardises

The dessert miniatures

The lunch and dinner service is restricted to 30 to 40 people. A low number which is deliberately capped, in order to maintain the quality rather than deliver quantity. This alone is a good reason for not forgetting to book before going to the Fresques Restaurant. When you work with quality fresh produce, you need to know in advance the number of guests you’ll be serving, so you too think of it  s announcing your arrival!

L’élégante salle intérieure

The elegant interior roomLes décorations de table sont réalisées par des artistes locaux

Local artists make the table’s decorationsLa salle Duchesse

The Duchesse Room

The round of flavours

From the starter to the dessert, the dishes served are like paintings. The plates are prepared with care, they are beautiful and the dishes are amazingly presented. The bread served is crusty, fresh and baked each day. The cutlery is magnificent, the knives come from Nontron. The butter dish and the miniaturedessert presentation plates are made by local potters., Could the pleasure of the eye add to the pleasure of the taste? Undoubtably! 

Magnifique beurrier et son couteau de Nontron

Beautiful butter dish and its Nontron knifeDes assiettes (en cours de préparation) telles un tableau

Plates (in preparation) like a paintingUn pré-dessert, comme un oiseau avec des ailes de chocolat

The pre-dessert, like a bird with chocolate wingsDélicatesse de la gaufrette au caramel, tel un pétale de coquelicot

Toffee waffle delicacy, like a poppy’s petalEn cuisine, on s’affaire à ce que tout soit parfait

In the kitchen, working on perfectionLe pain, présenté dans sa magnifique panière sculptée en bois

The bread, presented in its beautiful wooden sculpted basket

La menu focuses on the local and traditional products of the Périgord. The foiegras, duck in all its various shapes, the truffle, the walnut, the strawberry, the chestnut, the caviar… But also the delicate products of the South west such as lobster, oysters, fish… Combined with traditional vegetables, and the new flavours and spices of the world… A festival of flavours to taste from the start to the dessert!

Un délice pour les yeux et le palais

A delight for the eyes and the palateUne farandole de fromages

The cheese board

Si difficile de faire son choix !

So difficult to make your choice!

Un vin bien conseillé pour chaque circonstance

A wine well advised for each dish

Mignardises sucrées, complices du café

Sweet miniature dessert, coffee partner

Further informations



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